Alpha Lillstrom Cheng

Ask your Senator to pass S.610, to drastically reduce Medicare cuts


Unless Congress acts, all health care professionals are facing cuts to Medicare payment on January 1, 2022. Over the past 22 months--thanks to efforts from PPS and APTA members and other stakeholders--we have made great strides in educating Members of Congress about these Medicare cuts and their effect on physical therapists and Medicare beneficiaries’ access to care. Congress has been responsive to our efforts; however, there is still work to be done!


Last night the House passed an end-of-year package that provides significant relief to the impending Medicare cuts. It is now up to the Senate to pass the bill so it can become law.


We ask all PPS members to respond to this action alert and send this message to your Senators TODAY, even if you have previously responded to APTA action alerts. This targeted message highlights your concerns as a small business owner and employer in your community, and it is important that your Senators hear this message.


Additionally, we encourage you to share the language of the email template with your patients, staff, and family, and friends. Your Senators need to hear from every member of your community!


Use social media to tweet or create a Facebook post tagging both your Senators and #PPSAdvocacy. Template tweet: “Pass S.610 to prevent Medicare cuts so I can stay in business; Medicare reimbursement IS my bottom line. [@SenatorA Twitter handle @SenatorB Twitter handle] #PPSAdvocacy”


New to engaging with your lawmaker or need a refresher? Check out these tips for advocacy. For information on PPS’s legislative priorities and activities, visit the Advocacy section at


Thank you. Your advocacy can get this policy across the finish line!



Subject line: My patients need physical therapy. Pass S.610 to prevent Medicare cuts so I can stay in business.


Dear Senator ____________,


I am a physical therapist in private practice and a member of the Private Practice Section (PPS) of the American Physical Therapy Association. On behalf of myself and PPS, I’m asking you to prevent deep cuts to Medicare providers that are slated to take effect on January 1, 2022.


As your constituent and a small business owner, I’m asking you to pass S.610, the end-of-year package that the House passed on December 7. This bill would significantly reduce the impending Medicare cuts and delay the return of sequestration.


Your vote to pass this crucial bill will support access to health care while providers such as myself are still recovering from economic impact of COVID-19. Please act to help me keep my physical therapy clinic doors open—to not only serve our patients but also to provide jobs in our town.


Thank you,


[Name, credentials]
Member, Private Practice Section of the American Physical Therapy Association
[Practice Name]
[Practice Address]
[Practice phone number]